I frequently set an intention to achieve what I consider to be "an impossible possibility" for myself in my business.
I became a mom I realized that I wanted to be an amazing mother while
making an even greater difference in my business. At the time this felt
like an "impossibility possibility."
My belief was, "You can be a
great mom OR a successful business owner, but you can't have both -
especially not at the same time."
And yet my income doubled
after my son was born. Then I decided it would be an exciting challenge
to see if I could breakthrough six-figures within six months. I had
never made that much money within six months - let alone an entire year.
certainly didn't think it was possible to achieve this while having an
abundance of time for my family, myself and working four balanced days a
week. In spite of my initial self-doubt and skepticism I went on to
achieve my goal.
I held a sincere, committed desire to
achieve these intentions - even while feeling doubtful about my ability
to carry through on them.
Often when I set a new
intention or business goal I came face to face with resistance, and my
inner dialogue about how it isn't possible for me to achieve what I say I
want. However, each time my stories of self-doubt arouse I would
re-commit to "BEING" the person I wanted to be in the future "RIGHT
When I was achieving my goal to breakthrough six-figures I
remember waking up in the morning and being bombarded with thoughts
about how I couldn't possibly succeed and that I was doomed to fail.
thoughts of doubt and disbelief arouse I would return to my commitment
and ask myself repeatedly, "How would a business leader who was
committed to making 'X' amount of money this month WHILE 'living and
loving richly™' handle this situation?"
Even in my moments of doubt I returned to this singular question over and over.
At some point I would experience a huge shift causing my doubt and fear
to disappear - and I would receive some sort of inspiration around how I
could achieve my goal.
My inspirations came because I kept re-committing to being my vision over and over again.
Today's Reminder
Here's a daily reminder you can use when creating your "impossible possibility in your business...
"It's okay for me to feel doubtful about my ability to achieve a goal that I've never achieved before. I don't have to wait to feel confident about my ability to achieve my goals before taking action.
I can have all the self-doubt, fear and resistance in the world and still move forward!
long as I am committed to BEING the kind of person that I want to be
the in future right now, and as long as I am willing to take the next
action step to move towards my ideal vision, then I can allow myself to
feel my self-doubt and fear and still move forward anyway."
"There's a big difference between wanting something and committing to it. When you want something you move towards achieving it as long as it's easy and as long as you believe it's possible. However, when you're truly committed and you consciously recommit to achieving your goal over and over again - tens, if not hundreds of times a day while continuing to take action towards it in spite of your fear and self-doubts... this is what creates true character and radical business breakthroughs."